Saturday, February 19, 2011

Say What...No More UberTwitter?

For all my Blackbery users out there, I'm sure a lot of you were disappointed when you woke up Friday morning to find that the popular Twitter client UberTwitter has been suspended. I was in disarray as I tried to greet my followers but my tweets repeatedly proved unsuccessful. I kept getting messages stating "forbidden"and I couldn't figure out what was wrong even after numerous attempts.

Later in the day I received a text message that UberTwitter was no more, that it had been suspended for numerous reasons and to download Twitter for Blackberry if I was still interested in using Twitter. Say what? No more UberTwitter but I love UberTwitter!

 Not only is it the best Twitter client for Blackberry users but it also has certain little perks that other Twitter clients don't. For instance, it allows users to personalize their Twitter pages with various background themes and font colors (mine was pink). But what happened? Why did UberTwitter vanish overnight?

According to the Twitter Support Center, UberTwitter was suspended because it was in violation of numerous Twitter policies and trademarks in a variety of ways such as the use of "twitter" in the application's name. They were allegedly asked on numerous occasions to make certain changes in order to adhere to Twitter policies, which they failed to. However, on Friday, Feb. 18 2011, Twitter took action and suspended the application.

"Today we suspended several applications, including UberTwitter, Twidroyd and UberCurrent, which have violated Twitter policies and trademarks in a variety of ways. These violations included, but aren't limited to, a privacy issue with private Direct Messages longer than 140 characters, trademark infringement, and changing of users' Tweets in order to make money." 

Over three million UberTwitter users were furious with the disruption in the service and many of them were very adamant in letting Twitter know how they felt about the situation. It was nothing but chaos! UberMedia, the company who owns UberTwitter has announce that they are currently working on resolving and adjusting the application to suit "Twitter policies".

They have to come up with a new name for the application and from now on it will be called UberSocial. No one can download the new app as of yet because it is currently awaiting approval from Twitter. For now I guess we have to  resort to Twitter for Blackberry until everything is back to normal.

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