Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Men Marry Bitches

 I was strolling around in Barnes and Noble in Boca Raton over the weekend when I was immediately captivated by the title of one book in particular Why Men Marry Bitches. At first I didn't know what to think and that intrigued me. Is this a book degrading women or this this a book encouraging women to be bitches or this this a book implying that men love bitches?


Out of curiosity I started flipping through the pages. I realized that I had to get this book if I wanted to get a full understanding about it and the meaning behind its title. Might I say ladies and gentlemen too, this is one of the best books I have ever read. It is written by a woman Sherry Agrov but the content is from a man's point of view as the author has compiled numerous interviews and testimonies from different men who kept it REAL with what they admire and want in a woman; one that they would actually marry.

Relationship Principle No.3 states: "He doesn't marry a woman who is perfect. He marries the woman who is interesting."

This book is humorous but it offers tips and relationship advice undermining the notion that being overtly nice to man will make him more devoted. That is a myth. A man isn't more likely to be committed to the 'nice' girl; in other words, the girl who lets him be the sole dictator in the relationship, the girl who lets him have his way, the girl who is always readily available and the girl who will accept any and everything. Im sure we have all heard the saying that nice guys finish last but what about nice girls? The book proved that they finish last too!!

An excerpt from the book states: "The fastest way to become boring to a man is to always do as you are told..."

Why Men Marry Bitches is truly a guide for 'nice' girls as it will challenge convention, broaden your understanding of why some relationships don't progress, and modernize the way you think about how a man chooses a soul mate.

The book isn't implying that you shouldn't be nice but that you shouldn't be too nice. Men seem to be more attracted to a woman who has her own identity and is secure with who she is. The use of the word 'bitch' doesn't mean someone cruel or mean but is intended to be satirical and represents a strong and intelligent woman who is confident about what she wants and how to get it.

Relationship Principle No.35 states: "Men are intrigued by anything they don't completely control"

Many women might see this book on shelves in bookstores and be appalled by its title because of the negative connotation attached to the word 'bitch'. I however dare you to read this book and I'm sure you will find that the word 'bitch' isn't such a bad word at all.

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